Thursday, February 7, 2008

Business 40: Our Workhorse, also Our Canvas?

Business 40 has been the workhorse thoroughfare of commuters and visitors to Winston-Salem since being built as our "downtown expressway" in the 1950s. The planned rebuilding of eight overpass bridges at the heart of this roadway gives us a unique opportunity to design not just a functioning roadway but also a new series of vistas and impressions about our place and its sense of self. Community meetings about the rebuilding will be held starting in 2008, as neighbors along the route share their hopes and concerns for the project. You can find updates on the public meeting schedule at this website.

We hope that neighbors and other community members will ask transportation and political decision-makers that the project be designed both for engineering traffic needs and for its artistic impression-making potentials. "A thing of beauty is a joy forever."


Anonymous said...

NCDOT is looking to replace six of the seven overpass traffic bridges along the stretch of Business 40 downtown between Fourth Street and Church Street, as well as the underpass bridge at Brookstown Avenue. Green Street Bridge has been closed to traffic since an accident damaged the bridge a couple of years ago. There has been some discussion among neighbors to preserve Green Street Bridge in some fashion as a pedestrian walkway to the new baseball development.

J. Eric Elliott said...

...make that replace seven of the eight traffic overpasses. The final number and use of overpasses has yet to be determined.